Leo Tolstoy once said, “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” In college I went to Africa – Kenya, more specifically. It was something I had wanted to do for years, and to the bane of my parents I made it a reality my junior year in college. This…
Author: daniellekuhl
Thoughts On: Leaning In
As I’ve clearly established, I am in the midst of a change – a shift – a leap forward. True personal growth is happening after years of remaining firmly rooted. Rooted in space. Rooted in time. Rooted in myself. But one thing that I’ve been working on moving past for many years is being rooted…
Something Bad is Going to Happen
Something bad is going to happen. I have said that combination of words to myself countless times over the course of my life – millions of times; more times than there are grains of sand in all the beaches combined – or so it seems. Something bad is going to happen… And I have spent…
She Runs with her Whole Heart
I don’t have many vivid memories of childhood. For whatever reason I’ve always been terrible at recalling the fine details of my experiences. I have vague, blurry impressions of them and I know how I felt in general but that tends to be as far as the recollections go. I do however, have a few…